Top 5 Business Predictions for 2021

As 2020 bids us farewell and with 2021 just around the corner, I’ve taken some time to compile a list of predictions for next year as it relates to people and culture. Anticipating upcoming trends allows us the opportunity to shape the way they unfold. This past year has been one of great change, and it necessitates extreme adaptability. As we continue to adjust to the new norm, there are several topics that should be at the forefront of every business-oriented mind. 

1) Remote Work

Remote work is undeniably the biggest trend sparked by the pandemic and will no doubt carry over into the new year, and frankly every year thereafter. Work from home will soon become work from anywhere, and the enduring hybrid between on-site and remote work means that company culture is more important than ever. 

2) Cultivating Company Culture

There are countless statistics that prove the tangible importance of company culture. It’s a factor that job seekers take into account, current employees are affected by, and businesses can either hugely benefit from or be severely hurt by. This is no secret, and that’s why it’s critical for organizations to double down on their efforts towards cultivating an appealing culture as the world settles into the new norm.  

3) Maintaining Personal Connections with Less Face-to-Face Interaction

Amid this ubiquitous shift to digital, we must also focus our attention on how to maintain personal connections despite the lack of face-to-face interactions. Engaging with one another is an essential part of the human experience, and we must figure out how not to lose the authenticity of those engagements as they’re increasingly mediated by our screens. With technologies like Zoom and FaceTime we’ve made great progress, but 2021 will require continued innovation. 

4) More Digital Marketing! 

Building on this is the rise in digital marketing, which has become an absolute necessity for every company that hopes to stand a chance in the modern world. We have entered the digital age, which means that people driving by billboards are more likely to be looking at their phones, so unless your message appears on their feed or in their inbox, chances are it’s not being received. 

5) Addressing Social Justice Issues 

Last but not least (in fact, most), is the matter of ensuring we have a level playing field for everyone in our workplace and communities and giving an extra helping hand to make that so. The BLM movement has brought the world’s attention to the age-old issue of inequality and injustice, demanding that actions be taken to right these wrongs. In the immediate future, leaders will need to focus on incorporating equitable and inclusive practices into their long-term business strategies, instead of approaching the crisis with a one-time fix.  

Though there are many challenges at hand, these five are the most important to focus on because they will be the issues that continue to shape our future. By being mindful of these trends and intentional with our reactions, we have the power to take 2020 and make something beautiful out of it. Stay tuned for future blogs in which I’ll elaborate on each topic for a more in-depth understanding of the individual nuances.  

Shaara Roman is founder and CEO of The Silverene Group, a culture consultancy that helps companies align their people programs with business goals.

The Silverene Group is proud to be a 100% minority, woman owned business.